Horse rocking goes dog training! By popular demand, the Rockers Team has now optimized rocking pleasure for dogs of all sizes!
Rockers 2BW, the horse rocker for two hooves, has been bought by dog owners pretty often, although the relation of length, weight and hight are not ideal for dog training – however, the idea does make sense:
Why should dogs have to do without the various advantages of training with a rocker?
So the runners' radius was adjusted to easy rocking to now allow for build up of muscles, be it in every day work or rehab, from puppy to senior dog. Thus, improvement of your dog's coordination and perception of his own body can be achieved most comfortably at home. Also, his fear of crossing unstable grounds will fade. By the way - not just your dog but also yourself will profit from training with the rocker: physiotherapists and fitness centres have long since been advertising the usage of unstable surfaces for traiining of the deep muscles.
To chose the fitting model, please have a look at „size finder“.
Warning! This rocker can not be used as a two hooves horse rocker! The lateral tilt would be harmful to the horses' joints.